Bro, You are truly a god among bros.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Mr. Green

Probably the funniest photo ever seen, and its on facebook for the world to see.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

How to perfect the Bro-shake..

Click the image below to view:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.. Shamelessly raped from the Crailtap site. But this blog which is full of bromance, and brothers. Needs this video linked to.
The best handshake shown in the video has got to be the 'He-Bro'. That shit is so fucking hot. Also includes tips on how to avoid the awkward event of the failed bro-shake.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Tonight matthew, i want to be...

Nah, but serious props on this hammer:
You are welcome to quit skateboarding at any time..

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

A Call Of Duty.

Sometimes, somethings are too hard to let go of. Some people skate to get away from things at home, but sometimes people have to bring everything along for the ride.

May i present to you, Chris Popes gripjob: